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Sacred Crystal Bowl Sound Bath Experience

From: Tina F.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 11:41 AM

Experience a crystal bowl sound bath!


Relax, let go, and listen to the sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, tingsha bells, quartz crystal bowls, and a gong.

Meditating with sound is an age-old practice for many cultures.  It alleviates cares, worries and pain.  The mystical power of this sound bath balances chakras, deepens meditation, aligns the molecular structure and all the cells of the body.  Just breathe and feel the nature of each note as it cascades into the atmosphere and releases a subtle healing and offers intuitive clearing and clarity.  Sound has been used for healing for centuries, and Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Healer, predicted sound as "the medicine of the future."

Join us this afternoon for a healing sound bath experience.








When: Saturday, June 17,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Center For Spiritual Living Menifee Valley
26805 Murrieta Avenue
Sun City, CA 92585

price: $10.00 per person


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