Members interested in uniting to give Metaphysical Aid to all in need can attune on Thursdays at 7pm for 15 minutes. This attunement is just like the Council of Solace members participate in prior to convocation on Sundays. AMORC members may refer to Libers 777 (Celestial Sanctum) and 888 (Council of Solace) for more information. Usually, the Grand Lodge holds Council of Solace daily from 12:05-12:20pm and all are welcome to attune at that time as well.
Here is how you should proceed when participating in the work of the Silent Council:
If at all possible, wash your hands and drink a glass of water as a sign of physical and mental purification.
Then retire to a peaceful spot and elevate yourself to the level of the Celestial Sanctum by following the method indicated in Liber 777.
When you feel that you have attained the level of consciousness symbolized by the Celestial Sanctum, visualize the Earth for a few moments, then direct your most positive thoughts toward all of humanity. The best way of doing this is to concentrate on words that evoke constructive ideas, such as “health,” “comfort,” “well-being,” “harmony,” “fraternity,” “love,” etc.
Then, if you want to come to the assistance of one or more people in particular, visualize them as though they were standing before you, and visualize that they are bathed in a light generating health, comfort, well-being, harmony, etc. If they are ill, see them healed; if they are in pain, see them full of joy; if they are distraught, see them calm and peaceful; etc.
After engaging in this visualization, mentally state the following invocation, with confidence and conviction:
“Fratres and Sorores, brothers and sisters, who have solicited spiritual aid, your plea is acknowledged. Cosmic Law is fulfilling its work for each of you.”
While Cosmic Law is being accomplished, intone three times the vowel sound OM, mentally or in a soft voice, on the note that seems most natural to you.
Then place yourself in a receptive state, so that you may benefit from the positive energies set into motion by the combined actions of the Council of Solace and the Silent Council.
Complete this special work by using the invocation indicated in Liber 777 that is used to complete all contact with the Celestial Sanctum. Once this is done, resume your regular activities.
If you engage regularly in the work that we have just described, you will reinforce the action of the Council of Solace by radiating into space positive vibrations that will benefit all those who suffer physical or morally, or who are in need of some assistance. Thanks to this metaphysical work, many will receive a spiritual influx that will contribute to their healing or give them the desired inspiration to solve a problem. On a more general level, this activity also helps to purify the collective consciousness of humanity and neutralize certain forms which evil can take in the world.