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What we’re about


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Mission statement: Our mission is to work with communities enriching their life by sharing, expanding and promoting Russian cultural awareness. We participate in activities that introduce cultural heritage of Russian speakers and preserve and promote this legacy for generations to come. It is our mission to unite the diverse community of Kansas city and surrounding areas through offering culture through arts, education and various community events.  We work to strengthen relationship between Russia and USA through cultural and educational exchange. We offer charitable missions to foster homes and orphanages in Russia.
What we do: Our organization was established in 2004. After many years of volunteering and working together we now are “Russian Heritage Society” Our Russian Language after-school program “TalantVille Club” teaches children Russian language classes, Russian history and art since 2015, although separate classes have been offered earlier. “Russian Language meetup group” offers language classes for adults interested in learning Russian language from beginner to advanced.  Our group participates in local festivals presenting the colorful heritage of Russian Language speakers, prepare school presentations that feature visual presentation and music performance. We gather donations to underprivileged and physically challenged children in Russia. Our events are funded solely through donations; classes, round tables, movie nights, dance performances, social gatherings, exhibitions and other events attract people of different backgrounds, from various communities of diverse Kansas city area. 
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Мы рады приветствовать Вас в нашей группе! Наша группа существует уже более 10 лет, наши встречи достаточно регулярны и  мы всегда открыты новым людям. Пожалуйста, не забывайте представиться! Ждем Вас на наших встречах!!!!