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What we’re about

Our mission is to foster feminist community in Sacramento primarily via a shared love of books, but also through building a community that could include other events such as social meetups, movies, food, etc. We're a social group open to people of all identities who consider themselves feminist and want to expand their feminist network and knowledge. Most meetings involve a book club discussion and then optionally moving to a nearby venue for a drink or food if you have time to hang out.

A $2 donation is requested at all of our events, but definitely not required.

We don’t believe there is one true way to be a feminist. This group is about exploring ideas and learning together. We will read promiscuously from a variety of feminist camps and try to understand the history of feminism and its current struggles. We're going to look at feminism from a big picture perspective and then take a fine-tooth comb and look for the feminism that is hidden under a rock in the corner. We might even read books that are not feminist at all, but then we’ll try to use a feminist lens to understand them.

Books are selected two months out so you have time to read the book (and also get it from the library if you prefer). We vote democratically on which books to read, so think of a book or two you'd like the group to read and bring it up at the meeting.

Yes, it’s OK if you didn’t finish the book.

Come for the awesome books, stay for the awesome feminist friends you’ll make.

We are a sister book club to the San Diego Feminist Book Club.

Upcoming events (2)

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