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Sacred Womb Healing Ceremony & Mothers Day Celebration w/ Doña Leova from Mexico

From: Sarah Eve C.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 3:41 PM

Celebrate our connection to the Divine Mother, the Divine within You!

Sacred Womb Healing Ceremony & Mothers Day Celebration with guest Doña Leova from Mexico

"The Holy Womb Chakra is a primary resting place of the soul energy. It is also a connection to karma and to the creation energies of the universe. Through purifying and empowering your womb chakra you gain access to this eternal energy."

Let us gather and celebrate in a nourishing circle of women. We will embrace the divine feminine, the beauty and power of the womb and cycles of nature, and the goddess within you!

For more details, see the full listing:

When: Saturday, May 9,[masked]:00 PM

Where: The Three Jewels
61 Fourth Avenue - 3rd Floor Manhattan
New York, NY 10003


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