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What we’re about

Business consultants working in or near St George Utah meet and share ideas, tools, tips, leads, and collaboration opportunities with other similarly-ilked professionals. 

The goal of St. George Consulting Meetup is to promote friendship and collegiality between potential professional collaborators, connections among members, create a feeling of belonging for those who tend to work as freelancers and often work alone as solopreneurs, and orient new consultants to the art and techniques of consulting in and around the St. George business scene.

Join us for a monthly Lunch and learns at various spots in and around St George, Santa Clara, and Ivins. When you come, please bring the following to share with the group and help one another out:

• One thing that is currently working really well in your business activities.

• One thing you need help on, are struggling with, or want to brainstorm on.

• One resource, such as a blog, podcast, service, product that you believed others in the group would appreciate knowing about.