What we’re about
Howdy – Welcome to Salem Adventures in FUNderland !
We are a mature (cough – older) (45+) group of folks that value variety and participation in our events. Sure – we will do dinner, theater, music events but we will also do more active events from Karaoke to Hiking to Ziplining. Our guiding principle is to have fun. Since people define fun differently, we’re aiming for a huge range of activities, enticing all of us to try something new.
We welcome singles, couples, frogs and all else. All you need to join is a sense of fun, and a desire to try some new adventures in friendly company.
Events are the lifeblood of Meetup groups. If you would like to participate in specific activities with this group, please contact us to become an event organizer. This group will thrive when multiple people step up to organize their favorite activities into events for all of us to participate in and enjoy.
In order to be respectful of event organizers and each other – don’t “No Show”. It causes the host issues and takes up a slot from someone who may have really wanted to attend. We get it that you want to jump on an event right up front to get a spot but manage your RSVP. You should always post to the event a reason if you have to bail less than 24 hours before the scheduled start. Repeated "No Shows" is ground for removal from the group.
We look forward to our next adventure together!