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What we’re about

Hello everyone. This group is for people who enjoy the art of acting. Whether you're here to socialize/have a good time, or to really improve your acting abilities, we are all serious about a good performance. Like musicians who get together to have a jam session, this group is for actors to get together to have an acting session. This group is strictly focused on giving live(as in only our group) and on the spot performances. It is not intended to offer you any particular networking opportunities or project oriented roles, although these things may happen naturally. But keep in mind, you are here to let go of all your daily ambitions and stresses, and to just focus on one simple activity, which is acting. I will be setting up weekly scheduled meet ups, that can be hosted at various locations. These locations would be specific only in the case that it would aid to that particular day's acting session. Each meet up will be a creative, collaborative, and fun environment where we as actors will practice our acting, either based off of scripts or improvisation. As an audience, we will give feedback and discuss as a group on what we liked and ways to improve. I look forward to seeing all of your performances! Feel free to ask me any questions.