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What we’re about

A cultural exchange, and celebration of gathering around various events, activities, and holiday traditions - topics of globalization and more!

Community Rules

  • Respect, and Inclusivity. Treat all members with kindness, respect, and inclusivity regardless of their background, culture, nationality, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, disability, or beliefs.
  • Cultural Sensitivity and Open-Mindedness. Show respect for different cultural practices, customs, and traditions. Avoid making assumptions or generalizations about a person or culture based on stereotypes. Embrace an open-minded attitude towards different cultures, perspectives, and experiences. Be willing to learn from others and engage in constructive dialogue.
  • No Discrimination, Harassment, or Bullying. Discriminatory behavior, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, or any form of harassment, will not be tolerated. If you feel harassed or witness harassment, please report it to the organizers immediately. Hate speech and bullying are not tolerated.
  • Be Mindful of Language and Behavior. Use language and behavior that is courteous and considerate towards others. Avoid crude or offensive language, derogatory remarks, or behavior that could make others feel uncomfortable.
  • Respect Personal Boundaries. Always ask for consent before taking photos, video, or audio recordings; initiating physical contact; or engaging in activities that may invade someone's personal space. Obtain consent before posting online, including to social media, any personally identifiable images, video, or audio recordings of another person, and immediately remove any such items upon the request of the affected person or a group organizer.
  • Topics. These meetups welcome and encourage thoughtful, open-minded, and courteous discussion about different cultures and perspectives. These meetups are not the space for proselytizing, self-promotion, marketing any business you have ownership stake in or are otherwise affiliated with, or engaging in inflammatory political or religious debate.
  • Accessibility. This group strives to identify activities that are physically accessible, ADA compliant, free or reasonably priced, and located close to public transportation and/or where sufficient parking is available. Meetups at restaurants or other locations where food is served should accommodate most dietary needs and preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free, halal, and kosher options. Most meetups will be alcohol-free and occasionally alcohol-optional.
  • No fee. Members are not expected to contribute financially to this Meetup community. Organizers will not actively solicit any financial contributions to the maintenance of the community.
  • Participate Actively. Engage actively in group activities, discussions, and events. Share your knowledge, experiences, and insights while being mindful of giving others the opportunity to do the same.
  • Be Responsible. Take responsibility for your own actions and their impact on the community. Help create a positive and supportive environment for everyone to enjoy.
  • Feedback and Communication. Provide constructive feedback to the organizers to help improve the group's activities and events. Communicate openly and respectfully with fellow members to resolve any conflicts or concerns that may arise.
  • Have Fun. Most importantly, have fun! Enjoy the opportunity to connect with others, learn about new cultures, and participate in exciting activities together.

If a member breaches the Community Rules, organizers may take reasonable action they deemed appropriate, including warning the member, expulsion from any meetup activity, or expulsion from the group altogether. To report a breach or share any concerns regarding conduct, please contact any of the group organizers.

By following these Community Rules, we can create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued. Thank you for being a part of our community!

Upcoming events (1)

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