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What we’re about

RPGs in North County San Diego including Escondido, Encinitas, Carlsbad, La Jolla, Del Mar, Oceanside, etc.

"Role playing for Role Players"? Isn't that a bit redundant? Well, maybe. I didn't know how to best phrase it. What I am trying to express is that this is a group for people who enjoy games with some level of character development, plot, and creativity over dice rolling, min/maxing and rules lawyering. 

By joining this Meetup, players and game masters alike, promise to attend games with a positive attitude to contribute creatively. 

This Meetup group is system agnostic. You can participate in games ranging from Dungeons and Dragons to Fiasco, from Shadowrun to Microscope, from Vampire the Masquerade to Houses of the Blooded. 

If you are a game master (i.e., Dungeon Master, Narrator, Host, etc.) and you wish to run a game, you can do a couple of things: 1) post a suggestion under the Suggestions tab. Once you get a number of people who agree to the suggestion, it automatically becomes a Meetup. 2) Or, if you already have a few players, contact the Meetup admin and he will give you the ability to post your own event. 

If you are a player, please attend events that are posted by our game masters as often and regularly as you can to show support for the North County role playing community. Show up with the assumption that you are going to add value to the game in one way or another. Great players can make even the worst game better. 

Support this group and keep it open through SubscribeStar!

Code of Conduct:

• Respect your fellow players. (Yes, you can role-play a jerk but do not be an actual jerk in real life.)

• Suggestions are OK. Alpha-gaming is not.

• If there is a turn system in a game, wait your turn.

• If you RSVP "yes" please show up.

• If you do not RSVP "yes" please do not show up anyway.

• Have fun but act appropriately in public venues.