What we’re about
Welcome to the group! Thanks for joining!
Every month we hold meetings that focus on video editing using Adobe Premiere, as well as the rest of the Adobe video apps. If you're an editor using these apps, this group is for you - we're here to help you grow your skill level while also helping you grow creatively.
Meetings are often lecture style with industry leading people presenting on a range of topics. Sometimes the meetings are interactive, and group members are encouraged to participate. All meetings include a troubleshooting session where you can bring your questions or issues (related to editing) to the group, and almost all meetings end with a raffle where you can win some cool Adobe swag, 3rd party plugins, or even a year of Creative Cloud. Twice a year, we raffle of a full version of the most current Creative Suite bundle.
Couple things to let you know about the group - first, there's no fee for membership. Second, we are currently only meeting online due to the pandemic. Once things get fully back to normal and we can lock in our venue again, we'll start in person meetings.
Lastly, I really encourage you to fill out as much of your profile as you can. This helps the other members get to know a little more about you.
Also, if you're on Facebook, you can join our Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/284822378251...), and can follow us on Twitter as well - @SDPProUserGroup. Also, check out our YouTube channel with videos of past meetings - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd2HLBBekUzIkTP__im6qrw
Thanks again for joining the group! I hope you learn a lot from attending the meetings!