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What we’re about

We're a group interested in rationality. We talk about science, reason, thinking, economics, artificial intelligence, and everything else we can apply logic and reason to. We like to be curious, read widely, and think about the big questions.

Many people have found this community through the blogs of Astral Code Ten / Slate Star Codex and LessWrong. If you also like those blogs - great! If not but you're still interested, that's great too!

If you are an aspiring rationalist, a nerd, a geek, a scientist, or just a thinker - we can't wait to meet you to hear what you are thinking about. We love to share ideas, discuss, debate, learn and grow together. Don't worry about being the "right" person for this group. If you like to think about ideas, you're the right person.

Upcoming events (4)

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