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Tuesday: Learn from Founders that just raised angel funding

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Friday, August 9, 2019, 12:45 PM

If you have a business idea or product that needs funding, or want to learn how startup funding works, then be sure to join our upcoming ‘Startup Funding in San Francisco: Hear from Startups that Raised’ event. At this free fundraising workshop, several entrepreneurs that have raised funding will provide practical, step by step advice, and teach you what investors are looking for, how equity works, and more. Our speakers include:

Below are the full event details, and the link to register.

Startup Funding in San Francisco: Hear from Startups that Raised
[masked], 05:30 PM
Hanson Bridgett
425 Market Street
26th Floor
San Francisco

Or, check out our full list of events at

We hope you will join us!

- The Founder Institute

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