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Next Week: "Founder Wellbeing" event with Adeo Ressi (CEO of Founder Institute)

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 2:23 PM

Hey everyone,

Startup success is related to the mental health and well being of the founder or founders. Limiting beliefs, doubts and other mental obstacles impede startups as much as a lack of funding or a poor market. In this interactive session, Adeo Ressi (CEO of the Founder Institute) and other startup experts that have been working with mental health and well being will discuss strategies and tactics to help Founders overcome their internal obstacles, allowing their startup to thrive. Audience members will be given time to discuss problems that they are facing with genuine discussions on how to help.

Below are the full event details, and the link to register.

Founder Well Being: Overcoming Obstacles to Scale Your Startup
[masked], 05:30 PM
Hanson Bridgett
425 Market Street
26th Floor
San Francisco

Or, check out our full list of events at

We hope you will join us!

- Founder Institute San Francisco

“The training, assignments, and the all the materials that FI has put together is extremely helpful, and presented in a step-by-step fashion. It helped me save a lot of time and prevent a lot of mistakes” – Purva Gupta, FI Alum

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