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Tonight in Palo Alto: 'Break the Roles: Female Founder Startup Pitch Competition'

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 9:36 AM

Hey everyone,

At tonight’s “Break the Roles: Female Founder Startup Pitch Competition”, brilliant and accomplished female founders take the challenge to present their startup vision before a panel of investors. After question and answer sessions and deliberation, only one startup takes the prize. Female founders across a wide variety of sectors are encouraged to participate, and our judges include:

  • Rachel Sheppard:
  • Harmony Oswald: Founder & CEO, Legalucy, Inc.
  • Ryan Micheletti: Director of Global Operations, Founder Institute
  • Kiki Mwiti: CoFounder, FairFunders
  • Beth Pennington: Partner, Pennington LP
  • Guiti Navabi: Talent Acquisition Leader, Poynt
  • Nicole Kelsey: General Counsel and Secretary, Amyris, Inc.
  • Eileen Brewer: Managinf Director, Muse Advisors

To help manage attendance and donate to a good cause, we have decided to charge a small fee for this event ($10). All proceeds from the event will be donated to SV Women Who Code (, a 501©(3) not-for-profit organization.

If you would like to attend, you can register for 50% OFF ($10) by using promo code ‘allies’ at

We hope you will join us!

- Founder Institute Silicon Valley

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