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What weโ€™re about

WELCOME BeautiFull Earth Angel!!
So very humbled the honour to share in the beayouty of Your BEingness!!

Blissedly be, this finds you LOVing Life.***

I am your founding angel, Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein (Rev. Roni), Ordained High Priestess, Whole~istic Healer & enLightenment GuideLight of

******************** Sanctuaire Soul's Sanctuary *******************

a Global Wisdom and Wellness CalmUnity, existing,
โ€œ create a micro-city, whose sole purpose is;
to empower CalmUnity, ( community ) our Earth School Family, with the Wisdom and Wellness of Namaste Love's Consciousness.

A CalmUnity who thrives
on the strengths of each of her inhabitants
whilst engaging
each of their weaknesses to the point of
transformed empowerment.
A community where the โ€œrich give to the poorโ€ and
the unexpected always occurs."

United, We can and WE WILL transcend, transform and enlighten ALL of our Universal Family members to Life as Intended to BE:
PeaceFull LOVing BlissFull Serenity,
one FantabYOUlous, Amazing, Adventurous, Party'n Journey
for ALL of WE,
Earth Angels Divine,
living in conscious gratitude
as we are living a life of our abundantly whole-istic, consciously manifest & experienced fabyoubliss. <3

Journey the fabYOUlous adventure through our web sites, and social networks:



where you will find a plethora of free resources, tools, tips, and be gifted to see what our S3 CalmUnity has been up to, what S3 is all about, and what we are accomplishing Together, now with the addition of Your Radiant Light of Namaste Love. :)

***** Those whom we shall be blissed to meet in person at one of our local "Meetup" gatherings, will be gifted a plethora of opportunities to transcend into ever grander & more whole-istic examples of Self Love, and thus " Being Love " ' in general ', through:

~ Playshops ( workshops ),
~ CalmUnity Support Groups ( ie: a Wombyn's Group, Men's Group, Mental Health Group, Parents Group, Depression, Singles, Anger Management, etc. ),
~ Sacred Lunar Gatherings,
~ Meditation Circles,
~ Satsangs,
~ Conscious Dance Parties, and much more!

So very looking forward to embracing you in welcome *** <3

Always, in all ways, are we here within the bosom's embrace of S3, existing to assist, uplift, empower, and enlighten any and all so inspired to receive, to more whole~istically Love their Life, to be the 'me' they love to be, and thus,
to live a conscious experience, expression, & sharing of their FabYouBliss, steeped in love's gratitude & reverence.
Doing so is all~ways in service of the greatest good, the highest happyness, and most onederfull benefit of & to All, as we raise our frequencies we so do of All that is, ever was, or will be, into a more melodic resonance with Namaste Love's grace.

Blissedly BE
Earth Angels Divine,
ONE HumanFamily,
One with all that is, ever was, or will BE,
collaboratively co-CREATing
our HIGHest HAPPYness manifest in our eternal NOW.* :)
Bliss Kiss Beayouties*

Yours in Namaste Love,
Lady Radiating LOVE
Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein
Rev. Roni *

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