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Meet-up, e-mails

From: user 9.
Sent on: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 5:39 PM
Vegan Vagabonds,

I hope you are all well.

A couple things:

1) I just scheduled a meet-up in Balboa Park, hope to see you all there.

2) I used to receive e-mails whenever a new member joined, and the occasional e-mail from one of you---but it's been awhile since I've received either of those and I'm a little concerned that perhaps I accidentally attached a "junk" label to the alerts and all of your lovely missives. (People keep joining, but now it's always a surprise to me when I log on.)

It might be that you are all of the grid, living up in the hills, growing your own food, sans any cell phones or computers---or you are just quiet vegans. However, if you happened to have sent an e-mail to me in the last couple months, and received no response, could you please let me know?



P.S. Don't forget that you are all assistant organizers, free to organize any kind of vegan event you like!

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