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What we’re about

This is the Santa Cruz Coders group. It was formerly the Santa Cruz Kotlin User Group, but we've expanded our interests to include and encourage coders and creators of all skill levels and interests. 

Our meetups will include presentations on tooling or topics to people who like to create things with computers (usually with code) at all levels. Typical meetings will include a presentation on a topic or two, Q&A sessions, and mingling. Drinks and food will usually be provided, free of charge.

Everyone is welcome to present a project or topic. You do not need to be an expert on the topic. Your talk could be as simple as:

• I heard about <x> and I was curious about it because of <y>

• I did this ...

• I learned ...

• I'll probably do <z> with it in the future

Here's examples of the topics we'd like to discuss in future meetings. Many of them already have candidate speakers, but often it's great to have more than one speaker/perspective on the topic discuss what they know/have learned about it.

• Cloud profiling (Maciek)

• NextJS (Macallan)

• JavaFX (Sean)

• Java Packaging (Sean)

• Modern Angular (Maciek)  

• WebAssembly vs. Javascript  

• Amazing chrome debugging (Maciek)  

• Minecraft programming (Sean?)  

• Docker (Rodney)  

• Using OpenJDK (Ian)  

• Kotlin on RaspberryPi  

• Arduino programming (Casey?)  

• 3D Printing (Morgan)  

• IDE tips & tricks (IntelliJ: Sean, VSCode: Maciek)  

• Kubernetes  

• DevOps topics  

• Bot wars  

• Rust and/or Rust vs. Go  

• Lightning Hackathons (Hackergartens)  

• FabLabs LED Art  

• RXJava, RXJs, React Native  

• Developer Lightning Talks

•  iNaturalist: Maciek

•  SDK Manager Lightning Talk (Sean)

• Vert.X (John Eagle)  

• Micronaut (Sean)  

• JavaFX Bitcoin Wallet (Sean)  

• Solidity (Sean)  

• Opto (Scott)  

• Sean Gilligan wants Mike Xu to give a talk  

• Android development

• iOS development  

• Data science:    

• with R  (Maxie?)

• with Python

• with F#  

• Calcite

• Avro, protobuf, and other efficient alternatives to JSON 

• Functional programming:

• JavaScript/TypeScript    

• F#    

• Haskell, etc.