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What we’re about

Using lean-agile methods in transformation initiatives.
Constant change is becoming the only constant - increasingly so. Digitization and networking are the drivers for increasingly sophisticated products and services.
Previously proven forms of collaboration in classic, predominantly hierarchical or sequential structures are obviously reaching their limits. They are increasingly giving way to agile structures and methods that enable a working environment in which everyone can fully contribute and develop - and which thus makes the complex challenges of the VUCA world (volatile - uncertain - complex - ambiguous) manageable.
In this Meetup group everyone is welcome who wants to deal with the topic of "constant change", which loses its "terror" and becomes an exciting, welcome change.
We want to share practical experiences and ideas, learn from each other and have fun together.
Sincerely, your Meetup organizing team.
PS: If you would like to join the organizing team or know of suitable keynote speakers with interesting topics - we'd love to hear from you! Scaling Digital innovation Meet-Ups are also available as groups in Costa Rica, USA, Germany, Dubai, Cyprus, UK.