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Astronomy / Astrology

From: Cece S.
Sent on: Thursday, October 17, 2013, 1:16 AM
Astronomy meet up at my house is 
Nov 8 @ 7pm. I will have Larry Kawano from AstroCamp speaking on the cosmos. and then we go outdoors and enjoy a star party. I will have some telescopes available for us to enjoy the view.
More information available at my meet up group. Please click on my name to find the group. I have not figured out how to do this. 

If you plan on staying and have a motor home I do have secure room in the yard to park.
Address is in Hemet, Ca
Cece Stevens
27341 Stanford St, Hemet, Ca 92544 
Cell phone: (520)[masked]
[address removed]

Please RSVP to let me know if your coming.

Cece Stevens­m
Helping to bring light into the darkness

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