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“Healing with Chiron” by Lea Vlk

From: Laura Rose D.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 8:10 AM
“Healing with Chiron” by Lea Vlk

Lea Vlk will be giving a healing seminar using the energy of Chiron on Friday Nov. 10th 1 to 4 pm sponsored by the SCAN board of directors. She will talk about Yoga and rejuvenation for the body. Lea will also address healing from our deepest fears and  difficult relationships as well as how to use astrological healing exercises to rejuvenate your life’s purpose. Laura Desjardins will be a co facilitator and the price for this workshop is $50. We will meet at the 19th Hole Restaurant in Laguna Woods at gate 12. You will need to sign up in advance to get through the gate to attend this workshop. Lea will also be doing healings for anyone interested and you should set that up with her at[masked]. Call Laura Desjardins for Gate entrance. [masked].

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