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What we’re about

Looking for a story-driven science fiction or fantasy tabletop roleplaying game? One with dynamic action and immersive roleplay? Looking for a community to run such a game and/or play in such a venue? 

Then look no further!

We offer an active community with games available if you want to jump right in and get started if you're a player seeking a game!

And we offer Event Organizer status for GMs looking to get a game started or fill their pre-existing ranks. 

Come join in the fun! 

If you're looking for a game, a new GM for your players, or simply looking to put out a feeler, you can do that, here:

And if you're looking to run a game and would like to become an Event Organizer to get the word out and get started right away, you can find the guidelines for that, here:

See you at the games!