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New Meetup: Novice and Reentry Dive - Breakwater - with Rachel

From: Daniel
Sent on: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 2:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Greater Bay Area Scuba Lovers Meetup!

What: Novice and Reentry Dive - Breakwater - with Rachel

When: October 11,[masked]:00 AM

Cannery Row x Foam St Monterey, CA
Monterey, CA 93940

Are you a new diver or new to diving in Monterey Bay? Are you a bit out of practice and nervous about getting back into the water? Do you want to dive again but are afraid you may hold others back?

Then this is the dive for you!

I will be running a regular dive geared towards beginner divers and divers who want a relaxed re-introduction to diving. I will keep these to small groups to allow us all to focus on gear prep and safety. The main goal though is to have a relaxed, unhurried event, and most importantly to have fun! Once in the water we will spend some time adjusting weights and practicing buoyancy if anyone needs it, and then we'll enjoy a couple great dives!

Bring equipment enough for two dives, and bring lots of warm drinks and clothes if you plan on diving twice. We will take about an hour between dives to discuss, decompress and decide how we can improve the next one.

Things to remember: buddy checks, buddy signs, dive plans, how to keep warm, what to do if you lose your buddy, how long your safety stop lasts...

...all basic diving skills we too often forget. Let's dive safe.

And of course let's remember to relax, have fun, enjoy the critters, laugh and enjoy the day. We usually grab a bite to eat afterwards for anyone interested.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please update your profile to indicate you have read and agree to the Waiver and Release of Liability form. You must complete this step before you can join us on a dive.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!!

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