What we’re about
This is a meetup group for LGBTQ Humanists and Allies. We are Ethical and Secular Humanists, Atheists, Agnostics, and other progressives who come together for socializing, the promotion of LGBTQ civil and social equality, and to build community.
As we have an overlap in membership, we do a lot of our events in conjunction with the Humanist Association of San Diego. The Humanist Association offers a lot of quality Humanist programming and events, but we also have our own events as well.
If you are interested in social justice, the philosophy of humanism, or find the topic of god's existence irrelevant to being a good person or making the world a better place; please sign up and join us!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Humanist Book Club: Meditations and Other Classics of Stoic PhilosophyNeeds location
Humanist San Diego is going to be building our brains in 2025.
January's Book Club will be on the philosophy of stoicism and how it can be applied to our everyday lives.We will be reading: Meditations and Other Classics of Stoic Philosophy. This includes the works of Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca.
Stoicism has hit a bit of a renaissance in the tech sphere with people starting to cling to the writings of Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus. I guess the phrase: "everything old is new again," is "new again."
We will be digging into stoic philosophy in a two hour evening workshop on the principles and virtues of these authors and how it is applicable to our lives through the humanist worldview.
This format will be similar to a college lecture and discussion and applicable to all people on all levels of their academic/intellectual journey. If you have yet to pursue a deeper, more sophisticated look at philosophy don't worry-we will bring you along with us.
Living in Agreement with Nature
Finding peace through determining what is/isn't within our control
Virtue as the highest good
Reason and RationalityVirtues:
Wisdom (Phronesis)
Courage (Andreia)
Justice (Dikaiosune)
Temperance (Sophrosune)This will probably be a hybrid meeting, so location TBD