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Re: [php-49] Odd memcaching issue on a WordPress Multi Site

From: Karen W.
Sent on: Friday, November 9, 2012, 10:50 AM

Your assessment sounds about right.  I'm not leaning towards the "bricked" configuration just yet, mainly because the WP configuration was simply enabling the caching.  Nothing else.  The configuration change we added later to override the domain name was after we discovered the cache had been holding all the user passwords (and not the database). 

Anyway, does anyone on here have any suggestions at where in the code might be a good starting point?  The object-cache.php file? or are there other spots?  I am also willing to see this as a configuration issue, as the person who set this up a year ago might have done something funky.  But I also don't know where I should start looking for that.  Nginx conf files?  WP?  

Karen Windus

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Ariz Jacinto <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Karen,

If the cached objects are out of sync with the database then there's a problem on how caching is implemented on your WP installation. Based on your description, it seems like the cached objects is the authoritative record and not the database. You might want to inspect the code to confirm your suspicion.


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