We're a welcoming community from the Seattle-to-Portland PNW region!
In this event, we gather to talk about software tools and culture in downtown Portland. We meet Friday mornings on Zoom.
Our Lean Coffee (http://leancoffee.org/) format allows us to talk about a diverse range of topics.
We follow the Seattle DevOps Code of Conduct https://seattledevops.net/codeofconduct/ and all attendees must read and abide by it.
Join us on slack! https://join.slack.com/t/coffeeops/shared_invite/zt-221exa8pf-fyFAM715Cf0KtFppbGuSBw (does not expire)
8:00 - 8:10 Mingle
8:10 - 8:15 Get into groups (if one is going to be too large; generally cut off is about 10 people), then generate topics on Trello board
8:15 - 8:20 Introductions and vote on topics
8:20 - 9:10 Discussions
9:10 - 9:15 Takeaways and wrap up
9:15 - ?? Sometimes people hang out after for follow-up conversations that we did not have time for in the main group!