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What we’re about

We are a Seattle/Bellevue-based meetup group for users and developers of Apache Flink, an open-source stream processing framework for distributed, high-performing, always-available, and accurate data streaming applications.

We are aiming at helping each other learn more about Apache Flink, sharing knowledge and best practices of developing and running Flink applications, exposing more users to Flink, and expanding Apache Flink’s impact in the local tech community.

Our Seattle Apache Flink Meetup page is sponsored by dataArtisans.

Our co-hosts are:

• Bowen, Committer of Apache Flink

• Haitao

• Fabian, PMC of Apache Flink

Schedule: We plan to have meetups every two months. Each meetup is usually around 1.5 hours. Food and drinks will be provided.

Location: Location can vary, depending on sponsors. It can be either in Seattle or East Side.


Want to be an Event Sponsor?


We are actively looking for event sponsors!

Sponsor of the meetup is usually a company who uses Flink heavily and would like to share their achievements with Flink with local tech community.


The responsibilities are as simple as being able to provide a space to host about 30~40 people for the meetup, and simple food and drinks for free.

Sponsors do not have to provide speakers or presentations, they can still support our event and gain benefits without appointing employees for presentation.


In return, sponsor usually get better exposure to local tech world, which will improve their tech brand and get help on recruitment by attracting local talents.

Seattle Apache Flink Meetup and dataArtisans will also upload presentation materials like PPT or video (if sponsor can record the presentations) to SlideShare and Youtube for broader sharing.

Sponsor will give the first presentation of the meetup. If we don’t have a second presentation from other individuals, sponsor can give the second presentation as well.


Want to be a Speaker?


If you have Apache Flink ideas, best practices, or use cases to share, contact us so we can discuss your talk for a future meetup! 

Local Host/Contact: Bowen