What we’re about
Seattle Pan Bi Alliance is an all-gender social group for those who identify as bisexual, pansexual, fluidsexual, abrosexual, omnisexual, multisexual, polysexual, homoflexible, heteroflexible, and more! Join us for social events for pan and bi+ folks to meet friends, dating potentials, allies, and community. Partners, friends, and family who are allies are welcome at events regardless of orientation!
Seattle Pan Bi Alliance is dedicated and devoted to creating an inclusive safe space for our diverse community where members can communicate, socialize, support, and celebrate each other in a way that builds our community up and makes us stronger.
We aim to be inclusive and will not tolerate racism, sexism, ethnic discrimination, transphobia, biphobia, panphobia, nonbinary discrimination, agender & asexual discrimination, homophobia, ableism, antisemitism, classism, ageism, or religious discrimination.
Please Note: Seattle Pan Bi Alliance is not a hookup group or a swingers' group. Consenting adult members are not forbidden from dating each other, however, we ask that members not use our social media sites to message members of the group for sexual encounters, hookups, or dating. If you have been messaged by another member of Seattle Pan Bi Alliance either through Meetup, FB, or Discord for these purposes, please report this to one of the organizers. If, during one of our events, you are interested in approaching a member of the group for purposes of starting a dating relationship, we ask that you be respectful and always take the first no for an answer. If anyone is making another member uncomfortable, we will not hesitate to ban that person from the group.