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What we’re about

R is a free software environment for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphics. Use of R has grown out of academia into almost all major companies as an important tool for data literacy. 

One of the major strengths of R is the community-based nature of the project. From the original development to current maintenance and development, R is maintained by a growing community of members. This community is what we seek to foster with this group. The Seattle Area R Users Group is committed to bringing together local R users to exchange knowledge and information in an informal setting in the hopes of creating new ideas and directions for users.

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In order to promote a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, all attendees and speakers are expected to abide by the R community Code of Conduct developed by the R-Consortium ( The members of the Seattle Area R Users Group a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. Is is through these differences that community experiences the most success and continued growth. There is no toleration of harassment of meetup members in any form. If you have any questions or concerns please bring it up with the meetup organizers.