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What we’re about

Welcome to Seattle YIMBY – a vibrant and inclusive meetup for everyone who wants two bring positive change to Seattle. Is your rent too high and you can't afford to buy a home? Are you worried about less fortunate neighbors who are suffering from housing insecurity? YIMBY, which stands for "Yes In My Backyard," encapsulates our commitment to building a Seattle where everyone has access to safe, affordable, and welcoming homes.

What we do:
Join us for a diverse array of events, from lively social mixers to informative workshops and panel discussions. Our meetups are designed to connect, learn, and contribute to the collective vision of an inclusive and affordable Seattle.

Seattle YIMBY is more than just a meetup group; it's a movement dedicated to creating positive change in our city. Together, we can build a Seattle that welcomes everyone, where housing is affordable, and where community bonds are strong.