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Sorry about the membership dues on RSVP

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 12:04 PM

I am really ticked off at meetup but surely it is my fault. It was brought to my attention only last night that meetup is asking to collect dues when you RSVP. Well you might imagine my shock and embarrassment that this was setup and actually functioning.

Meetup just added a dues feature which is a nice idea if you want to contribute a regular monthly or annual amount if you can work it into your budget...even $1 a month helps and if I had a lot of $5 people, that would help pay the rent for the workshops. Also, meetup has an annual fee of about $150 I pay. So these little things help cover little expenses which all add up.

Nevertheless, I am annoyed and embarrassed that this happened without my knowledge. I do all my own work and often have to test all my own work which is a major violation of doing anything. I often have to wait until someone brings it to my attention to find something that is fouled-up beyond all recognition.

The whole philosophy behind the process of coming to the workshop is that there is only you and your guitar or instrument. You don't bring food, you don't bring money and you just do what you can to get here with case in hand. The entire effort and process should be an intense focus on just you, your understanding of music and the community of people and music we experience. I can charge for other workshops, but the free music workshop has a specific purpose with equal access to anyone who wants to participate or be a student. If someone doesn't have an instrument or can't afford one, then I work on that.

Some people enjoy contributing or prepping food or donating as part of the community and as part of their effort and process.

The workshop is about you, math, geometry, community and music and the spirit that makes takes us to a different place when we play together.

Peter & Buddy

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