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New Meetup: Selenium 2.0 (and Beyond!)

From: John D.
Sent on: Monday, October 26, 2009, 8:46 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Francisco Selenium Meetup Group!

What: Selenium 2.0 (and Beyond!)

When: November 11,[masked]:30 PM

TBD (got a venue to offer? please let us know)
San Francisco, CA

Jason Huggins will reprise the 22-Oct-09 talk he and Simon Stewart presented at GTAC Zurich, the most heavily attended talk of the program. We're thrilled to be able to bring this timely talk to the SF area Selenium community.

Location is currently TBD. If you have a venue in SF or nearby that can support 50 or more attendees, please contact the organizer.

We'll follow the template that has served us so well the past several events:

6:30 doors open, networking, socializing, beer, softdrinks and pizza provided by sponsor Sauce Labs
7:15 Program: Selenium 2.0 (and Beyond!)
8:00 Q & A + general discussion
9:00 Close
10:00 lights out

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