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What we’re about

What is SeniorGrid
SeniorGrid is a network of experienced seniors from diverse backgrounds looking to:

  • Mentor like-minded mentees by sharing their wealth of experience.
  • Get Hired by companies supporting senior hiring (contractual/ flexible-working)
  • Connect with like-minded people and companies for better socio-professional networking.

Who Should Join
If you are a senior looking to stay all-around fit and active while mentoring like-minded mentees or to help startups and companies with your domain expertise professionally, this is your group.
You're not a senior, but know anyone who fits the above criteria perfectly? connect them with us at

What will we do at events?
Think of this as socio-professional networking for seniors to expand their connections with like-minded seniors or mentees who are looking to gain from their wealth of experience. As we go along, we intend to broaden the services covered, ranging from Contractual/freelance/flexi-time jobs, to mentor-mentee sessions, activities and services for seniors, facilitation services for professionals looking for aids for their seniors and much more.