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SODAQ Kickstarter

From: Jan Willem S.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 11:56 AM
Hi Sensemakers,

We need you!

SODAQ has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a fantastic range of new NB-IoT and LTE-M development boards. It seems however that the Kickstarter platform has lost its popularity and as a result our campaign isn't moving quite as fast as we hoped for.

As you may know, with Kickstarter it is 'all or nothing'. We have done four successful Kickstarters before and it really would be a shame (a frankly a bit embarrassing) if we don't reach our target this time. That's why we now ask our community to help us. 

The good news is: we still have 9 days to go.  So please back us by ordering one of our new boards here:

As a token of appreciation we will give all the sensemakers backers a 20% discount voucher for the SODAQ webshop!

Thanks a lot and hope to see many of you at the next meetup were I will do a presentation of these new network technologies:

Jan Willem Smeenk