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What we’re about

Do you feel a strong, natural attraction to members of the opposite sex (though not necessarily all of them)?

If the answer is “yes,” then congratulations, you’re in the right place!

In an ideal world, we would all have achieved a basic acceptance of our own sexual feelings and desires at an early age. However, even with the advent of the Internet, more often than not, this is not the case.

What’s more, not only can finding an intimate partner be a challenge, but even if we do have one, keeping the passion alive over time (or at least the fun) can be difficult.

Using honesty, openness, and a sense of humor as guiding principles, while drawing on the group leader’s personal experience in such exotic practices as Tantra and BDSM, you will discover new, fun, and exciting ways to enjoy the sensual power of your body, and the erotic power of your mind and imagination.

Here you will receive knowledge, tools, and support to help you better enjoy your lifelong adventure of sexual self-discovery leading to true erotic fulfillment.

So come to the group’s meetings – and bring a friend!

"There are two ways to reach me: by way of kisses or by way of the imaignation. But there is a heirchy. The kisses alone don't work"
Anais Nin
