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Meetup this Saturday! NEW: Giving away a Kindle Fire! Plus, a message from our speaker, Rachel:

From: Laura A.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 3:20 PM
We are looking forward to seeing lots of folks at our special Saturday meetup this week! Its a departure from our usual time and location, but it will be a lot of fun. :)

RSVP here:

Rachel Greenfield, from local start-up SpareFoot, will be talking about how to create a social media marketing plan. 

Using all the gems that she has to share, we're then kicking off a fun contest with $3k in CASH prizes. We are marketing geeks, and we love talking about marketing ideas, so why not win some money doing it? Amiright? 

Here's Rachel with a special message for you:  Http://

But that's not all! :) American Bingo's team is also giving away a KINDLE FIRE! And you can't win if you don't come!

Did I mention FREE food? And cheap beer? And lots of Austin's web marketing folks in one room?

RSVP here:

This is going to be a blast - don't miss it!

Laura and Adam

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