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What we’re about

Welcome! This group is for people in their 30's who live or are about to move to SEOUL! Our focus is meeting new friends, building a social life, exploring Seoul together and making contacts to help us enjoy our beautiful city.

* Our activities include: lunches (brunches), trying out new restaurants, coffee conversations, going to movies, picnics in parks, day trips, going out to events concerts, art galleries, walking trips in Seoul and its surroundings, etc. or whatever sounds fun!

* All members are encouraged to message me about any events or ideas about future gatherings, and share information or ask questions about things they are unsure about with this city (which I am sure there are plenty:))

* If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. If you are nervous about attending your first meeting just add me as a friend or send me an email/private message. We were all new once.