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What we’re about

> This is a for-fee group.
> Intake Appointment Required
> Please read and consider all of the details before joining our Group.
> More information is also available on our website.

After and during a separation process, people are trying to figure out how to compartmentalize what they are going through and be more themselves. A group is a great space to practice in.

Get the support you need to move forward, and heal yourself.
This group, Divorce: Healing and Moving On, focuses on envisioning what members want their lives to be like, so that they can move forward and create the life and relationships they want, going forward. This group will become a safe place for you to share these needs, desires, and feelings without fear of judgment, as most group members are also processing, healing and working towards recreating their lives.

Recovering from a divorce can take 2-3 years. It involves discovering/creating your new identity, discovering who you are as a single person, finding a sense of belonging within your social circle and your community, and sometimes adjusting to single parenthood. Change takes many forms: moving on, living separately from their partners, going through a legal process, starting to date, re-establishing a social life, or getting used to being alone.

In this support group, you will gain strategies, learn to cope, and begin to heal by relating to others in similar situations. Through facilitated discussions and sharing of experiences within the group, you will gain valuable and relevant insights and develop acceptance and self-awareness. The group focuses on examining all relationships and the reasons we choose the people we do. Members observe when they take similar roles in their relationships, choose the same types of people, and recreate similar situations. One of the stages of healing is working on the harm that was done in the relationship as well as being accountable for one’s part in the dynamic. Once the trauma of the separation has been worked through, the deeper work begins. The focus is placed on the individual and their relationship with themselves.

Because the disorientation of divorce can last a long time and the process of finding your footing is not linear, there will be days when you feel grounded and secure -- then a trigger can lead to a fresh wave of grief, anger, and confusion.

If you have kids, you will need to re-learn how to deal with your ex, shift communication styles, and become more formal and distant. It may be hard to create new boundaries with your ex. The fighting may continue, or one of you may need more distance while the other does not.

While the emotional upheaval is at its worst, you may be dealing with lawyers and court appearances. This just adds to feelings of frustration, fear, and vulnerability. Having group support makes a huge difference because it helps you to transform those negative feelings into strength.

Divorce is the starting point and our goal for the group is to transform who members will become. You will meet people who want the right kind of support so you can get through this part of your separation together.

Group Details:
• 12-week initial commitment (you may continue after 12 weeks) 
• Each session is $85
• Required Intake meeting is $200 
• All Gender Inclusive 
• See events for meeting dates and times - each day of the week / time of day is a separate group.

Please be sure to review the detailed information on our website.

Before you'll be invited to schedule your Free 15-min Inquiry Call, you will need to be able to answer ‘YES’ the following questions:

> Have you read the group description?
> Do you feel the group fits your needs?
> Are you able to make a 12-week commitment?
> Do you understand and agree to the fees structure?

If you're ready to join, please schedule your Free Inquiry Call with Susan now.