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What we’re about

We will discuss Serverless topics with special focus on the main cloud providers. We often present a PoC or talk about specific topics related to new services, architectural solutions, common and less common problems.

Serverless Barcelona is a community-driven meetup. We encourage the attendees to participate in the events by presenting their slides, projects, ideas and experiences.

# Code of conduct

The Barcelona Serverless community is diverse and gathers people from many industries and backgrounds. Each one of us choose to spend time sharing our (Serverless) experience.
We want the Serverless Barcelona meetup to be a safe space for all of us. We thrive to make it as inclusive as possible and we want your help for that.
We encourage everybody to treat the rest of us with empathy:

  • Don't interrupt presentations nor discussions.
  • Talk with the organizers to present. They will provide you feedback and book a slot for you in the next event.

We allow anybody to post any content in the meetup chat, but we reserve our right to ban anything we consider inappropiate. Links or comments that do not relate to Serverless will be removed.
This is a community for everyone! So if you have feedback or ideas, please submit your Idea to this meetup group.