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Be Proactive: Join this discussion

From: Glen J.
Sent on: Sunday, December 30, 2018, 9:39 AM

You have been a member of the Seven Habits for Highly Effective San Franciscans (although we are open to all members of the Bay Area) for some time.


I encourage you to use Habit #1, "Be Proactive" to join this conversation thread:


The objective (the end to keep in mind), is to form a meeting that this group could have where we inspire each others in the habits that we have learned from the 7 Habits book.

It has been some time coming. We now have a proactive member voicing his needs within this group. This group will only be what you make it. Please join that conversation:

Kindest Regards,




P.S. This is a group of people who are inspired and want to embody the 7 Habits in their work or life. We don't have to always be successful at it - just desire to do it and want membership in a group that encourages that desire.

My only job has been to keep any type of non-principle based marketing "fluff" out of the group. For example, my job is to protect the group from those who try to join just to sell the members of the group something (without fully embodying the principles of the 7 Habits).

This group is a member support group. You are asked to contribute your time and attention, but not your money.

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