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SF Developer Happy Hour is now SF Creative Coders!

From: Stephen B.
Sent on: Sunday, January 8, 2012, 1:35 PM

Hey Everyone,

We've had this on our minds for awhile and now that we've cleared the holidays and are officially in the new year I'm happy to announce that SF Dev Happy Hour is rebranding as SF Creative Coders.

I think many of you will agree this was an obvious decision based on the conversations we've been having at our meetups and we're really hoping to tighten our focus and attract more of the creative technologist types who typically attend our events.

I've also set up a Facebook page for the group to help facilitate conversation and hopefully make it easier for you all to become more involved with planning our future events. Also tweets will now come from @sfcoders.

Any questions feel free to email me directly and be sure to keep an eye out for our first few events of 2012 to be announced soon.


Happy New Year,

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