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April Flash Happy Hour @ Sugar!

From: Stephen B.
Sent on: Monday, March 22, 2010, 2:51 PM
What's up guys. Time to get our drink on again. This month we're moving the party over to Hayes Valley to check out the Sugar Lounge at Gough and Hayes. I was just there over the weekend and they have a nice little lounge area with couches up near the front that I think we'll work lovely for our group. If we can't capture that look for us just beyond the bar on the right.

Also, based on the overwhelming feedback of our baseball poll (thanks to the 8 of you who responded) I'm going to schedule our May meetup for a Giants game at ATT park! Details to follow but right now it's looking like the 1pm game against the Colorado Rockies on May 2.

If anyone has any concerns or ideas for an alternative date, please email me directly otherwise I'm going to set that as our target.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone on 4/8 at Sugar!


April Flash Happy Hour @ Sugar!

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