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New Meetup: May Meetup @ ATT Park! SF Flash vs Colorado Rockies!!

From: Stephen B.
Sent on: Monday, March 22, 2010, 4:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Francisco Flash Happy Hour!

What: May Meetup @ ATT Park! SF Flash vs Colorado Rockies!!

When: Sunday, May 2,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $35.00 per person

AT&T Park
24 Willie Mays Plz @King St (btwn 2nd & 3rd St)
San Francisco, CA 94107

I'm on a roll here fellas. Scheduling 2 meetups in one day!

So here's the deal - I can get us 10 tickets to the game against the Rockies for $35 each including fees / surcharges etc. The seats are all together in section 131 along the third base line.

They are ROW 10 - seats 7 - 16, which is super close to the field.

I'm scheduling the meetup now so if you guys are into it RSVP now because I need to lock it down to 10.

If there's some crazy surge of interest in this - I'll see what I can do to accommodate people but for now this the plan.

The RSVP will be open until our next meetup on 4/8. If ten RSVP 'yes' before then I will go ahead and buy the tickets and collect cash from everyone at Sugar or at the game.

I think this will be really fun - and for those of you who've never been to an American baseball game this is your chance to finally learn what the hell is going on :)

Awesome. Looking forward to seeing you guys there!

Go Giants!

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