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May Meetup at AT&T Park

From: Stephen B.
Sent on: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 11:56 AM
Hey Everybody -

I need to purchase our tickets for our meetup game in May at AT&T Park.

Unfortunately the original seats I had in mind went up in price $10. So we can still do 5/2 game against the Rockies @1pm but now they're $45 instead of $35. (10 seats still available)

I checked other dates and listed our best options in a quick poll to see what works best for the group.

I'd need to secure our seats asap, so please take a minute to RSVP for the game if you haven't already and let me know what game option in the poll works best for you.

If you know that you cannot make one of the three dates in the poll but definitely want to go, please email me so I can pick the best date that works for everyone.

Also, I'd like to collect cash tonight at Sugar for those of you planning on attending the game just so I don't potentially get stuck with $400 in baseball tickets in the event that people's plans change, fall off whatever.

Please hit the poll and update your RSVP for May if you haven't already.

Go Giants!