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?????15 Feb: Enter the MSP Fire-Dragon ? Marsh, Wright, Lasqo & Samas @ Turquoise Yantra Grotto

From: Joe L.
Sent on: Saturday, February 11, 2012, 1:10 AM
Dear SF-EMM-ers

Following the fantastic Tim Thompson / Space Palette show in Jan, our series continues with more computer music and invented-instrument music which you or your friends might like...


[1] A Grand Spectacular at 
Turquoise Yantra Grotto
! (7:30pm 
this Wed 15 Feb
 2012, SF)


Start things out with a *bang* and join us to open the Dragon Year with special guests: extraordinary East Coast saxophonist Jack Wright, and Bob Marsh, performance artist, musical agent provacateur/éclatiste, mad cellist/bassist/pianist/guitarist/found-instrumentist/vocalist/+++ (& tap-dancer!)

Highlights will include MSP processing of field recordings of the Hong Kong 大坑舞
(Tai Hang Dancing 
 Dragon), to accompany Bob Marsh in one of his simultaneously instrument/costume Sonic Suits.

We’re also privileged to present Bob Marsh’s unique invented instrument, the Silver Park, as played by its invented musician, Mr. Mercury.

German publication, Bad Alchemy, on Jack Wright: "Wright does not make music, he embodies it, he transforms it with a naiveté of another order. It grows into a sound river, he is part of the diaphragm through which the heterogeneous whispers."

David Samas and I will be joining our guests using piano, gamelan pianocrystal-obsidian lithophone, extended vocal techniques and the Zen Industrial Carillon, and I'll do meta-rāgas and material from my album Turquoise Sessions in the between-set Tea Music.

7:30pm: Candlelight Tea 1
8:00pm: Set 1
8:50pm: Candlelight Tea / Tea Music
910pm: Set 2

$12-$15 donation requested. By advance reservation only

To reserve, please:

(2) Send me an email at [address removed], and I’ll confirm and send location and transit details. 

(Please note in case of allergies: Birds are present in the venue).


[2] Other upcoming...


Fri 16 Mar, 7:30pm @ 
Turquoise Yantra Grotto
, SF: with instrument inventor extraordinaire Bart Hopkin + MSP and more (opener: Todd Lerew and his 
flame-activated Quartz Cantabile)

Sun 01 Apr, 4pm @ Bird & Beckett, SF: Lasqo solo.

Fri 20 Apr, 7:30pm @ 
Turquoise Yantra Grotto
, SF: with maestro of avant shakuhachi, taimu, and bass clarinet, Cornelius Boots with MSP and shakuhachi honkyku repertoire by Riley Lee visiting from Sydney, Australia

Details will be posted at:

...Ongoing: Viracocha, (NW corner of 21st & Valencia, SF), Wednesdays, 3pm - closing


Please redistribute freely to anyone you think would be interested...

Hope to see you at a show!

Joe Lasqo

[address removed]

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