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boarding for Chloe for a week

From: Brett S.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 10:57 AM
Note below from a member of the meetup group, Fernando. 

Fernando Uria <[address removed]>

Hi everyone,
This is Fernando.
I've met many of you at the Presidio Cav meet-up in the past and needed to ask for your help. I'm in a jam right now and wanted to see if one of you would be willing to help me with Chloe (pic attached).
I was hoping someone could babysit her for about a week.
I'd would welcome the opportunity to speak to you about the situation if you would consider it and I can be reached on my cell at...(415)[masked].
This would help me out for the time being.
Thanks for your consideration.

This email message originally included an attachment.

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