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November SFDUG - Case Study Presenter / Tech Presenter / BADCamp Practice

From: John F.
Sent on: Monday, November 1, 2010, 11:44 AM
Hi -

SFDUG relies on user generated content - i.e. its the amazing users of the community who provide us each month with an amazing look at what Drupal can do each month at our meetups.

As November SFDUG draws close we need to find two good topics to present.

1. Do you have a great web site you want to show off?
2. Do you have a tech topic from Mild to Wild you want to show off??
3. Are you presenting at BADCamp and want to do a practice run?

The type of response I get will drive the topic of this months SFDUG. If you have a great idea which we can pull off by Nov 8 let me know we can try it.

Let me know asap if you want to present.

Thank you for your help!!
