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Looking for a Flash Game Developer

From: Marty R.
Sent on: Monday, August 16, 2010, 1:45 PM
We are looking for a web site game programmer that uses Flash. This person should be an an experienced Flash programmer with at least 5 years experience building interactive games - preferably educational games for kids. (There may be other kinds of games too, but Flash is a priority at this point)

It would be great if this programmer was also an illustrator or had an illustrator as part of a small team.

We need someone who is a creative, flexible, thinking partner who is a team player. This would be a part-time contract position with two games to work on immediately and more in the future.

We want this person to live in the San Francisco Bay Area or Boston Area to allow for occasional face-to-face meetings.

This will be a good ongoing opportunity for the right person. Please reply to me if you are that person. We are looking for an individual or small business, not an agency.

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