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gWallet: Making Money and Scaling Your User Base

From: Japheth D.
Sent on: Thursday, August 19, 2010, 2:52 PM
From Rebecca at gWallet, our Gold Sponsor at the San Francisco Game Developer's Workshop:

Q. What's the most common misconception among online gaming executives today?

A. That in order to make more money you need to scale your user base.

In reality, it's all about HOW you monetize your users and with WHICH products that will successfully increase your revenue for the long-term.
Game developers using gWallet's platform are monetizing three times more users than their previous efforts simply by integrating gWallet's products:
  • Video ads ("Watch a video about the new Adidas shoe and get currency")
  • Offers from leading brands ("Buy a Quiznos sandwich and get currency")
  • Product placement and sponsorship fees (a virtual Coke appears in your game)
gWallet has campaigns for Best Buy, IKEA, Nestle, Blackberry, Staples, Coke, and Universal Studios that are ready to engage your users now.

Want to learn more? Email Rebecca Watson at [address removed].
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