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Intel RealSense Dev Lab - Sacramento - Apply now

From: Silviu M.
Sent on: Monday, January 26, 2015, 9:42 AM

Hey guys,
Space at this one of a kind workshop is limited -- and we have just a few spots left open. So I thought you guys would want to know about it!
Intel® is holding an exciting dev lab with their RealSense camera -- a day full of 3D human-computer interaction. Happening Wed, Feb. 18 hosted by Hacker Lab at their new location in Rocklin.
What's great is at the workshop you'll be set-up with everything you need to explore the new 3D tech. You'll have the laptop, software, hardware all installed -- you just come sit, learn and build some great apps.
Oh, and you get to keep the cameras! :)
We'll also have some prizes for best app idea and best integration of the tech into an existing app.
If you are interested, please apply here. If you are selected, I will send an invite to register on Eventbrite.
[address removed]

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